Tuesday, July 01, 2008

This Is Not A Celebration, Bitches.

So we had a "celebration" in our office today (actually in every office across the country) in honor of our organization's 50th anniversary.

Alas, it was not very celebratory, as the teleconference was a complete clusterfuck (has no one ever heard of muting the phone when herding their rugrats and yappy dogs during a conference call?) replete with bad music from the era of poodle skirts.

Worst of all, though, was our stupid office manager ordered the crappiest food ever and didn't even bother to order dessert! Seriously, what kind of person doesn't order at least cookies for a celebration? Fruit...fruit is not dessert.

Also, if he orders everything with onions ONE MORE TIME, I am going to stab him in the eye.

Today, I am very sour about food. I better have a really kick-ass dinner to make up for this.


Alex said...

Celebration at work? [skeptical glance]
Celebration at work via teleconference? [rolls eyes]
Celebration at work via teleconference with crappy food? [walks out of room, slams door]

I think it would be easy to be a manager, but the evidence is to the contrary time and time again.

I hope you had someone to share the experience with. That usually helps out a bit.

City Elf said...

no kidding! there were only a few of us actually in the office, including a few favorite co-workers, but the food was a serious downer. i think i need a celebratory happy hour tonight to make up for this travesty! or at least a jelly donut.

ruth said...

Ooooh, an anniversary with no cake?! Appalling.