Sunday, January 30, 2005

Oh, Wolf, you ignorant slut.

We just flipped on CNN to Wolf Blitzer, who was talking about Iraq. A screen went up that showed the results of a CNN poll: Do you think the U.S. should set a specific date for the pull-out of troops? 54% Yes, 46% No.

As the graphic flashed, Wolf said, "Here, the results of the latest CNN poll question, should the U.S. set a specific date for the pull-out of troops. As you can see, the country is evenly divided." He then moved smoothly to bending over for the Administration to talk about how swimmingly the elections are going.

I sat in shock for half a second. I assumed that the poll likely had a margin of error of plus/minus 4%, though this wasn't mentioned by Wolf or in the graphic. Even so, with that margin of error, the country either could be evenly divided, or the yes side could have a crushing majority.

I figure if the percentages were flipped, Wolf would have mentioned the "mandate" from the American people for us to continue fighting in Iraq for the next decade.

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