Sunday, January 21, 2007

Year-End Evaluation

Well, 2006 is over, and thank God for that. It was a rough year, though admittedly some good things happened. Let's have an overview, shall we?

The Good: I changed supervisors, and though my new supervisor used to hate me, she and I get along quite well and I enjoy working for her. I got a bonus and a raise in April. The Ex and I had a great trip to New Mexico in February (while we were still together and engaged.) I had two trips home to visit my family in Indiana (once in July and again at Thanksgiving.) I'm pretty sure my two-year-old godson actually recognizes me now.

The Bad: My grandmother died in January and I wasn't able to go to the funeral. The Ex's uncle died in Arizona. In December, the Ex's father died. Any year bookended with deaths like this is bound to feel like a bad one. In addition, the Ex and I ended our engagement and went our separate ways.

Did I learn anything this year? Well, I think I figured out that I should tell the people I love how I feel before it's too late, especially because we never really know when it will be too late. I learned to stay above, or at least out of, the frays at work that involve office politics with history from well before my arrival. I was saddened to find that you can love someone so much, but still not be right for each other. I guess I knew that, but it's easy to forget.

And how about 2007? I predict it will be a year of major changes, though I can't pinpoint exactly what. I am trying to save to buy a house or condo, but whether I'll settle down here or try to leave California, I don't know. Being single again has drawn me into my shell a bit - I actually tend to be a bit of a homebody - but I'm going to try to do some travelling and spend time doing things I have postponed because I felt like the Ex wouldn't enjoy the same things as me. (I can't blame him for this, it was my own hangup.) I'm also going to try to continue a newish trend (for me) of being more direct and asking for what I want. You'd be surprised at how successful this can be.

Finally, here are a few things I want to do/try/learn in 2007:

1. Visit the Mystery Spot in Santa Cruz
2. Go on a hot air balloon ride
3. Make something crafty and sell it
4. Learn how to knit, if only to see if I like it
5. Take a trip with my sisters (already in the works)
6. Take a calligraphy class
7. Find the best bread pudding in Los Angeles

What about you? What are your plans for 2007?

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